Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stop 4:Cape Perpetua State Park, Oregon

We stopped and saw some seals on the way there. After we set up camp we watched the sun set over the ocean. We camped in a temperate rain forest and it rained! In the morning we hiked to a 500 year old sitka spruce, and some tidal pools. We saw lots of urchins, anemones, and starfish.

                                            Sunset at Cape Perpetua
                                                        Out tent almost got crushed by a tree!
                                                                Us under the 500 year old tree
                                                      Green anemones
                                                                  Starfish and anemones
                                                            Purple sea urchins
                                                   Dad and Gavin on a tree


  1. Those tidal pools are really neat compared to the pools on the east coast. You are so lucky to be doing and experiencing all these things. Grammy

  2. More seals! Is it too cold for you all to go in the water? Even Brendan? the green anemones look like cut kiwis.

    1. Yes the water was to cold even for me and dad, no one was swimming without a wet suit
