Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Oceanside CA

For Father's Day my dad's friend, Josh, gave him surf lessons. I tried too, but I didn't like it. Then we had brunch at the Stone Brewery. It was really cool. It had cool rocks and gardens. Dad's friend also came over on the weekend. On the way home we were rear-ended

                                                           Dad in his wet suit
                                                          Dad getting surf lessons
                                                       Dad stretching
                                         Dad and Josh
                                                           Gavin boogie boarding
                                                               Dad and Josh
                                                          Dad and Josh
                                                      The Stone Brewery
                                                          The gardens and a bird
                                        Us sitting on the side of the road after being rear ended
                                                                  Dad's friend, Denver and family


  1. 1 - Why does Brendan have the biggest surfboard known to mankind?

    2 - How serious was the car accident?

    3 - Will you be able to leave on time?

    1. 1.a long board is a beginner's board
      2. not serious at all
      3.yes, we're leaving tomorrow.
