Saturday, May 26, 2012

CA - Huntington

Yesterday we visited the Huntington, where my dad is working. The Huntington has a library, gardens, and galleries. We visited the gardens and had lunch with my dad. The desert garden was the best.

                                               some koi
                                                gavin in a bamboo forest

                                              some cool cacti
                                                     awesome lizard
                                                  hairy cactus
                                          us in a circle in the Chinese garden
                                                us in the palm garden
                                                      giant leaf
                                                    mom with crazy hair
                                                         dad at work


  1. The desert garden is my favorite too!!

  2. The bamboo is huge! Looks like a cool place to work!

  3. Looks a lot different then U Con. I am surprised Gavin went near the cactus after his Ireland experience!
