Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Griffith park and the transit of venus

Yesterday we went to Griffith Park to see the transit of Venus, when Venus crosses the sun. The next one is in 105 years! We hiked to the observatory with Lena and Phoebe. We bought special glasses so we could watch the sun without our eyes melting. And when we got to the observatory we looked through some telescopes.

                                              Los Angeles
                                               Us on the hike
                                            Here people don't write on trees
                                                     Us watching the transit of Venus
                                                          Dad on a pipe
                                                   Mom looking through a telescope
                                          Me looking through a telescope
                                                    Mom and Lena
                                                    The crowd at the observatory


  1. WOW!! What an experience that was. You should have reminded grammy. I forgot all about it and therefore I missed it and it would be a true miracle if I was around for the next one.

    1. We might not have seen it if we were on the east coast because it was so rainy and cloudy.
