Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stop 7: Santa Fe

So, on to Santa Fe. We met my moms friend, Rachel, from college. I ate a Frito pie - Fritos with chili on top. We walked around a bit then and then went and ate dinner. We camped at the Black Canyon Campground in the Santa Fe National Forest. The city was really cool. All the houses were made of adobe and blended in with the landscape. They weren't very tall.

                                                             Mom and Rachel
                                                          Rachels house
us at the campground
                                                           we finally caught a bear
                                                  a cool house


  1. I've never seen adobe houses. Were they as different on the inside to ours as they look on the outside? Does the low construction and adobe make them cooler in the heat, I wonder?

    How was Frito pie?!

    1. The frito pie was good. I'm no sure if the adobe is cooler.

  2. Love your blog and photos, Eoin! I can't wait to see what you have to say about the Grand Canyon!! When we traveled cross-country to move from CA to PA, we stopped there and had a great time. We actually lost control in the gift shop and let the cashiers persuade us to "buy this Grand Canyon blanket for just $30." It's an ugly fleece blanket that we now cherish, ha! We also went on a ranger-led outing to an ancient fossil bed not far from the area where the shops & restaurants are.

    Will you keep blogging when you arrive in CA?

  3. Hey Uncle Jack is in CA by Disney until the 23rd. Call him if you're nearby. Your trip looks awesome!

    Aunt Pam
