Thursday, May 24, 2012

Stop 10: Altadena, California

We drove straight from the Grand Canyon to finally reach our half-way and resting point, California!!!!!! We are staying in a really cool house with fruit trees outside!!

                                                     The lemon tree
                                                  some of the rose garden
                              the San Gabriel Mountains which you can see from our house
                                                      A blurry picture of me in a tree
                                                   Gavin picking an orange
                                                   Gavin's watermelon bowl
                                 some of the house- it's hard to get a picture because of the trees


  1. So jealous of your lemon tree! Eat some for me! Glad to hear you made it safely - enjoy your rest-stop.

  2. i want that bowl of watermelon. from max

  3. save thet lemon for me. you should climb those mointains. oh yah, isnt that a lemon that gavins picking, its not orange like a orange.

  4. whos me dont you only have gavin for a brother but if you hate me you can have KURT.

  5. Wow, what a gorgeous house! How nice to have fruit trees right in your yard. How long will you be there before heading back?

  6. You think Grammy and Poppy can come for a visit???

  7. Wow, so nice to see those mountains I know and love. They are beautiful!!
