Sunday, July 1, 2012

Stop 7: Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Boy am I glad I don't live in North Dakota! It was 90 degrees, but in the winter it gets to -40 degrees. It was flat and nothingness as far as you could see.  We camped at the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, which is part of the badlands - canyons the outlaws used to hide in. There are buffalo there. We didn't see them,  but we heard hoofed animals in the night! In the morning we hiked the Caprock Coulee trail.

                                                           Dad with the tent
                                                        Cannon ball rocks
                                                            Petrified wood
                                                                                 Hot in North Dakota

                                                            Dad wouldn't let us eat here

                                                     More canyon and cap rocks

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe your dad wouldn't stop @ the Alien restaurant! He's mean! And you saw Bifgfoot - awesome!!!
