Friday, July 6, 2012

Stop 10: Home!!!

After a 12 hour drive we finally got home!!!! just in time for 4th of july! This is what we've been doing:

                                                      lounging on the deck
                                               too much computer time
                                                   our house

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Stop 9:Canada and Niagra falls

We crossed the border and drove through Sudbury, driving past the North channel and the Georgian Bay. We saw a dead baby black bear on the road, not exactly how I wanted to see a bear. We stopped at our last MVF restaurant in Niagra Falls. Then we saw Niagra Falls! Almost home!

                                                                The menu
                                                          The food we got
                                                             Gavin's favorite MVF restaurant
                                                     A rainbow over Niagra Falls

                                                         The Maiden of the Mist
                                                               Niagra Falls
                                                                top of falls
                                                    Me, Mom, and Gavin
Me and dad

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stop 8:Au Train, Michigan

We stopped on the upper peninsula of Michigan near Lake Superior. We got to swim in Lake Superior which was warmer then CA water. We also visited the Soo Locks which connect Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. It's right near the Canada border. I can't wait to get home!

                                                           Michigan campground
                                                         Us swimming in Lake Superior
                                   A beef pasty (a Cornish pastry) and a cheese curd (in Gavin's hand)
                                                                  The Soo locks
                                         More Soo locks with bridge to Canada in background

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Stop 7: Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Boy am I glad I don't live in North Dakota! It was 90 degrees, but in the winter it gets to -40 degrees. It was flat and nothingness as far as you could see.  We camped at the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, which is part of the badlands - canyons the outlaws used to hide in. There are buffalo there. We didn't see them,  but we heard hoofed animals in the night! In the morning we hiked the Caprock Coulee trail.

                                                           Dad with the tent
                                                        Cannon ball rocks
                                                            Petrified wood
                                                                                 Hot in North Dakota

                                                            Dad wouldn't let us eat here

                                                     More canyon and cap rocks

Stop 6:Glacier National Park, Montana

We spent 2 days in Glacier National park. Driving in we saw 2 bighorn sheep! It was light until 11:00 pm. We camped in an area called grizzly alley by the rangers. In the morning we hiked to some falls and saw a moose. In the evening we did another hike to see Salamander Glacier and we crossed a swinging bridge! In some places there was still snow on the ground! We also had to clap and blow a whistle around all the turns to alert bears. Luckily we didn't see a bear.

                                                                    A waterfall
                                                         A moose
                                                                         An Elk
                                                                   A bighorn sheep
                                                                   And Bigfoot
                                                                A bear warning sign

                                                               on the hike
                                                          Gavin blowing the bear whistle
                                                                  Flooded forest
                                                       Salamander Glacier
                                                               Me on the bridge
                                                         Us standing on snow
                                                                  A mountain
                                                                   our campsite

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stop 5: Mt. Saint Helens, WA

We stopped at Mt. Saint Helens in Washington. It was rainy and cloudy, but we still got to see part of the volcano. It was huge.. We also drove through the Cascade Mountains and saw big cliffs and waterfalls. There was still snow on the ground there! We couldn't see Mt. Rainier because of the clouds.

                                                               Mom and me
                                                          The base of Mt. Saint Helens
                                                             A logging farm
                                                          sign for logging farm

                                                                   A waterfall
                                                               A cliff
                                                    The ash and stuff from the volcano

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stop 4:Cape Perpetua State Park, Oregon

We stopped and saw some seals on the way there. After we set up camp we watched the sun set over the ocean. We camped in a temperate rain forest and it rained! In the morning we hiked to a 500 year old sitka spruce, and some tidal pools. We saw lots of urchins, anemones, and starfish.

                                            Sunset at Cape Perpetua
                                                        Out tent almost got crushed by a tree!
                                                                Us under the 500 year old tree
                                                      Green anemones
                                                                  Starfish and anemones
                                                            Purple sea urchins
                                                   Dad and Gavin on a tree